2016 has been an amazing year!

Wow, what an amazing year! 

As 2016 quickly comes to an end, I wanted to share this short video so you can see the incredible things the Lord is doing through this ministry.

The change is dramatic. 

Students in our Môle-Saint-Nicolas program, who didn’t know how to sew in April, are now making skirts and blouses.

Our Waves of Mercy sewing students, who dreamed of making school uniforms, made their first set of uniforms in September.

All 21 of our sewing students are learning a life-changing skill. This practical skill will help them provide for themselves and their families.

And, you can be a part of this exciting work! 

As we approach 2017, there are 8 unsponsored students in the Môle-Saint-Nicolas class. This creates a problem, because we need all of the students sponsored so the programs can continue.

Will you make a year-end single or recurring gift, of any amount, to help cover these unsponsored students? 

Your gift will provide job skills training and truly change a student's life. Thank you for your prayerful consideration.

P.S. Please visit the Get Involved page for more ways you, your church or group can change lives in Haiti.

Cheers to 2017,
