
January 2021 Update

Making School Uniforms

As part of September's "Give For Good Louisville" campaign, we raised funds so the Mole St. Nicolas sewing students could make school uniform shorts and skirts for children living in Northwest Haiti Christian Mission's Children's Homes.

The fundraiser was a win-win for both our sewing students and the school children. Our sewing students got the opportunity to share their sewing skills while helping children in their community, and the children benefited from new school uniforms. Here's a few photos from the Mole St. Nicolas campus. Just look at those smiles! Special thanks to everyone who donated to this special campaign.


Outfits for the Mission Boys

While the Mole St. Nicolas sewing students were busy making school uniforms, the Port-de-Paix sewing students were making outfits for the Waves of Mercy Mission Boys. These handsome young men are former street boys who now live full-time at the Mission. The sewing students wanted to do something nice for the boys so they made these outfits for them. Don't they look sharp!?

2020 Contribution Statements

The 2020 Contribution Statements were emailed on January 10. If you didn't receive yours or would prefer a paper copy, please email msmith@haiti323project.org to let us know. Thank you for your generous donations!

Follow the students on social media

Interested in seeing more pictures? Each week we post updates and photos on social media. We're on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
— 1 Peter 4:10

Our graduates are top notch

A few weeks ago we shared a photo of Wilson, a 2018 graduate from our Port-de-Paix sewing program, wearing a beautiful sport coat that he recently made. Well here's fellow sewing program graduate, Schneider, modeling a suit he recently made. He made the pants, shirt and jacket. Nice work, Schneider!

We’re overjoyed to see our sewing program graduates continue to master their craft. This wouldn’t be possible without people who believe in the programs and believe in helping our students create a better life for themselves and their families. Vocational training isn’t a quick fix, but the skills learned in our training programs last a lifetime.

Click the button below to learn how you can get involved and change lives in Haiti.

Schneider modeling the suit he made for himself.

The Praiseworthy Deeds of the Lord


Psalm 78:4 is one of my favorite verses. It says, We will not hide them from their descendants;     we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord,     his power, and the wonders he has done.

What an awesome verse. I think these phrases are particularly powerful...

"We will not hide."

"We will tell."

"The praiseworthy deeds of the Lord."

"His power."

"The wonders he has done."

In this world, it is all too easy to take credit for something you didn't do. For example, this ministry is here today, because of God. Not me. He gets ALL the credit. I get the blessing of being chosen, for some unknown reason, to help bring it about, and I am honored.

And that is why...

I will not hide.

I will tell.

The praiseworthy deeds of the Lord.

HIS power.

The wonders HE has done.

I look forward to sharing with you all that God does through this ministry. To Him be the glory!