Welcome new students

We'd like to introduce you to 5 new students who are joining the Mole St. Nicolas sewing program!

From left to right: Chrislande, Lucena, Jamsen, Renise, and Marilia.

A few students had to drop the class, but there was no shortage of people interested in taking their spots. Since we are already a year into the three-year program, we had to select students who already have some experience sewing.

You may recognize a few familiar faces - Chrislande, Renise, and Marilia - were in our first introduction to sewing program back in 2016/2017. They're excited to learn more advanced techniques from Professor Johnson.

Please give our new students a warm welcome!

New students 2019.png

Thurs., Sept. 12 - Give for Good Louisville

Thurs., Sept. 12 - Give for Good Louisville

We're just days away from our largest fundraiser of the year - Give for Good Louisville!

Thanks to your generosity, we were able to raise an amazing $7,558 in a single day last year. This year, we hope to raise even more!

Here's how you can help:

We need a minimum of 90 people to donate $10 or more on Thursday, Sept. 12. If we reach 90 donors, we'll get a share of a $120,000 bonus pool!

There's also an additional $40,000 in match money available for Southern Indiana-based non-profits, like us.

You do not have to live in the Louisville-area to participate in this special giving day. In fact, there's a $1,000 bonus that will go to the non-profit that gets donations from the most states.

Please consider donating on this special day, and spreading the word to your family and friends. It only takes a few minutes. The money raised will go toward student sponsorships, program supplies, and special equipment needs like building new storage cabinets for the Mole St. Nicolas classroom, and painting the Port-de-Paix classroom.

All donations must be submitted online through the special button below on Thursday, Sept. 12

Donate for Give for Good Louisville

Practice makes perfect

In August, the students took a break from regular classroom instruction to practice making a variety of skirts, dresses, and purses. Here's a few pictures of their creations.

The second year of the program starts September 9. In this next year, the students will learn how to make a variety of men's clothes.

The Lord continues to bless the students and teachers! It's amazing to see how much the students have learned in a year. The Lord is doing great things in Haiti! Thank you for being a part of it.