What an Amazing Year

The Lord has done wonderful things for our sewing students! Here's a few highlights from 2017:

  • The Mole St. Nicolas students held their first fashion show to highlight the beautiful clothes they've made this year.
  • The Port-de-Paix students moved into a new classroom. Their alterations business has increased as a result of this move.
  • Both classes are earning extra income from making purses. Purses are available on our website.
  • The Port-de-Paix students made a variety of school uniforms for local school children. School uniforms are a big business in Haiti.
  • Johnson, one of our talented Port-de-Paix students and an aspiring sewing teacher, is visiting the Mole every few weeks to teach the studentssome additional sewing techniques. He even taught them how to make their first set of purses.

Be sure to visit our website and Facebook page to see all of the exciting things that have happened this year.

Thank you for continuing to share this exciting journey with our sewing students. None of this would be possible without your love, prayers, and financial support. You are truly making opportunity possible for students in Haiti.

If you'd like to make a special year-end gift, please click the button below to see the different ways you can change lives in Haiti.

Clothes for Christmas

There's only a few days left to participate in our "Clothes for Christmas" campaign!

Our goal was 50 outfits by December 31, and we're thrilled to announce that we've already exceeded that goal. To date, we've had 61 outfits donated!

Can you help us reach 75 outfits? Click the button below to learn more.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has generously donated toward this campaign.

As the New Year approaches us with hopes anew, here is to wishing you and your family a wonderful year ahead.
Happy New Year!

The Mole St. Nicolas Purses Are Here

We just received our first shipment of purses from the Mole St. Nicolas sewing class! Johnson, a student from the Port-de-Paix sewing class, showed the ladies how to make this purse style.

This will be our last purse shipment for 2017, but we hope to have more purses available from both classes periodically throughout the year in 2018. 

Prices range from $18 - $30. Each student receives a portion of the proceeds while remaining proceeds go back into the sewing programs to provide sewing supplies, teachers' salaries, classroom rent, and other program needs.  

Shop today - these purses won't last long!



Therese (aka Madame Nene)

Therese (aka Madame Nene)

Clothes for Christmas

This Christmas, we invite you to participate in “Clothes for Christmas,” a campaign to give beautiful new outfits to Haitian children who need them. 

Here’s how it works:

  • For $25, you can give a custom-made outfit to a child in Haiti.
  • The fabric will be purchased in Haiti to support the local economy.
  • Our talented sewing students will make the outfits, and they’ll be paid for each outfit they make.
  • Each child will receive a new outfit that’s custom made just for them. For many children, this will be the first new outfit they’ve ever had.
  • A portion of the gift will be reinvested into the sewing programs so students can continue learning this life-changing trade.
  • Once the outfit is made, we’ll send you a picture of the child wearing the outfit along with the sewing student who made it.

Our goal is to give 50 outfits by December 31, but we need your help!

12/31/2017 Update: We've reached our original goal-now we're up to 73! But, we're still going until December 31. Let's see how many we can get!

Just click the button below to donate online. Gifts may also be made via check. Please make checks payable to the Haiti 323 Project and write “Clothes for Christmas” in the memo line and mail to PO Box 35, Sellersburg, IN, 47172.

Thank you for helping students and children in Haiti!

clothes for christmas.png